Sharkie, I was interested to see these tracks that you put up, and am curious about
where you got them from.
They are my rip from 2020 and were posted to UseNet on April 21st that year, and
also torrented here ~ but a DoS attack on the GLO site meant that many old torrents
were lost.
Somebody went to a lot of trouble to remove my little (as it was at that time) " from
BJtheDJ" at the bottom of the SunFly logo top right of the front cover, but neglected
to delete the Comment " from BJtheDJ" (which I put in using a graphics program
called ThumbsPlus) ~ so definitely mine
They also left all of the ID3 tags in the mp3 files which menion my name
Like I said, I'd be interested to know where they came from, please.
Sacot1 makes the DCK karaoke files available with the names in two
different formats:
1. With the karaoke code first ~~ Album-Track - Artist - Title
2 With the artist' name first ~~ Artist - Title - Album-Track