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BJtheDJ last won the day on January 16

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About BJtheDJ

  • Birthday 07/25/1900

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  1. Send a request by PM to iTake by clicking on [Staff] at the top of the page.
  2. You don't need to put a text description for any links that you post, it just lets the non-participants know what their clicking on. 1. Paste the link into your messge as usual. 2. Select the URL that you have just pasted, by pressing CTRL and dragging the cursor from one end of the URL to the other. 3. Click on the [Chain] icon abpve, fifth from the left (hover the cursot ovber it and the work [Link] will appear. 4. A large box labelled LINK will appear. 5. The top line will be filled in with the URL that you are sharing with us. 6. The 2nd line will be blank, fill that in with whatever description that you want. 7. Click the [Insert into post] box when you're finished. Once you've done that you can select what you've produced and change the size by clicking on the Size icon at the top, and the colour by clicking A at the top.
  3. These are the rest of Hank's SFX HM that he has issued this year, including vocal tracks (VOX) ; names are in the correct 1st name 2nd name order, and where there are backing vocals (BGV) they are indicated. Hanks SFX HM Karaoke, 2025 to date.
  4. Yep, that's the one. Caps Lock makes your text read in ALL CAPITALS
  5. Password required apparently.
  6. If they're really keen on their karaoke then they'll have their own K-discs, like many of my singists Tell them to bring them with them the next time that they come, and you can rip the discs while they're wating to sing
  7. You do have Sound Choice SC8193 Greek Standards don't you ?? If you've seen any home-made tracks about with the prefix HMWA, they will have been from Wayne's World Karaoke,~~ he hasn't made any since 2023. He's restarted in the last couple of weeks and here are the first few, there are 69 of them, they should be finished uploading in about 5 minutes from now: Wayne's World Karaoke.
  8. It depends on whether you want to make your own karaoke, or rip the CDG content from already existing discs Quote from site: "This item might not exist or is no longer available"
  9. I'll take any and all of those above please Scottie.
  10. Sharkie, I was interested to see these tracks that you put up, and am curious about where you got them from. They are my rip from 2020 and were posted to UseNet on April 21st that year, and also torrented here ~ but a DoS attack on the GLO site meant that many old torrents were lost. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to remove my little (as it was at that time) " from BJtheDJ" at the bottom of the SunFly logo top right of the front cover, but neglected to delete the Comment " from BJtheDJ" (which I put in using a graphics program called ThumbsPlus) ~ so definitely mine They also left all of the ID3 tags in the mp3 files which menion my name Like I said, I'd be interested to know where they came from, please. Sacot1 makes the DCK karaoke files available with the names in two different formats: 1. With the karaoke code first ~~ Album-Track - Artist - Title 2 With the artist' name first ~~ Artist - Title - Album-Track
  11. You didn't attach a link Dead link .
  12. My apologies for the error, link should have been [Hidden Content] and has been corrected. It'l be up for a couple of days now.
  13. KB01-98 For those of you that still have problems, I've deleted the ZIP file from my GDrive,extracted the files and am currently uploading them to my GDrive ~~ GDrive tells me that the upload will not be finished for another 5 hours, so don't expect immediate results I have done nothing to these files at all, they are as they were uploaded to Meta and downloaded by me. KB01-98 on GDrive ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Above link now corrected
  14. I've put them on my GoogleDrive. They'll be there for a day. [Hidden Content]
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