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Raffyone joined the community
trowelhand joined the community
Or use Winrar [Hidden Content]
use 7-zip its free
Thank you for this. Not exactly sure how to open or use this. I do not own a program to open .rar files. I will have to read up on it.
I searched for it for years but never found it. So I bought it and I don't regret it. [Hidden Content]
thanks very much,do you have BKD karaoke from 2024 march until 2025 feburary? or the whole year 2023 aslo need, some BKD karaoke songs are made so well.
Thanks. I think I fixed it. [Hidden Content]
Music Maestro Part 3 MM6000 complete (Zipped) MMHH - Music Maestro Hot Young Hits 10 discs MMHMC - Music Maestro HomeParty M Country 10 discs MMHMP - Music Maestro HomeParty M Pop 10 discs MMHP506 - Today's Female R&B (Clean 320) MMOLD-1&2 - Music Maestro Oldies Pack 10 discs MMPK02 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2002 (13 cd) MMPK04 - Music Maestro Club Pack 2004 (14 cd) Here [Hidden Content]
geogheganm started following MP3 NEW RELEASES 2025 WEEK 04 - [GloDLS]
Thanks for app to learn...will definitely share my work once I get a the hang of it
Various Music Maestro Labels
Karaoke cd+g creator pro + serial [Hidden Content] To enter serial goto help>unlock Remember to block application in your firewall or disconnect from interwebz when entering serial The more people creating HM Karaoke the better. Please share your creations with the community
Here is FBK262
do you happen to have a cracked version of this to share?
Thank you for the clarification @BJtheDJ. In that case, for the sake of clarity - perhaps the rule should be revised to omit the word "names" and read: "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in threads." Instead of "Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in thread names." My initial interpretation was that this was only applicable to thread titles. The change might reduce any potential ambiguity that could arise from the current wording, especially with the term "names" being included. Just a suggestion. If I have misunderstood any of the nomenclature, please let me know! - ADNA
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Latest from Wayne's World Karaoke: [Hidden Content]
Spurs4Life started following MP3 NEW RELEASES 2025 WEEK 04 - [GloDLS]
Spurs4Life replied to _.:=iTake=:._'s topic in MP3 New Releases 2025
Thank you -
That's my tool of choice too - takes some finessing when dealing with anything too rapid fire (comedy songs, etc.) What about video karaoke mastering ? Not the video export options from CDG creator tools, but direct MP4 creation with all the bells and whistles available there. There seem to be quite a few HM creators gone that route - what tools are used? JOC
These are the rest of Hank's SFX HM that he has issued this year, including vocal tracks (VOX) ; names are in the correct 1st name 2nd name order, and where there are backing vocals (BGV) they are indicated. Hanks SFX HM Karaoke, 2025 to date.
CDs for you, DCK960-966... enjoy [Hidden Content]
kirken started following KARAOKE ENTHUSIAST CHAT
Yep, that's the one. Caps Lock makes your text read in ALL CAPITALS
Hi bradajoker Here is the only disc that I have [Hidden Content] Enjoy
I vaguely remember that someone did a ultra MEGA folder with ALL the karaoke collections. Is that still going about, by chance?
Password required apparently.
[Free Trial] [Hidden Content] - Service Socks5 Proxies, Cloud VPS Payment mothor: Payeer, Bitcoin, Bitcoincash, Litecoin, USDT (Erc20), USDT (Trc20), USDT (BSC) Live | | Hong Kong | Hong Kong | Kowloon | 999077 | Alibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd. || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Thailand | Huai Khwang | Bangkok | 10320 | CS Loxinfo Public Company Limited || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Germany | Frankfurt | Hesse | | Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Russia | St Petersburg | St.-Petersburg | 195213 | Beget LLC || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Hungary | Budapest | Budapest | 1007 | Stark Industries Solutions LTD || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Germany | Düsseldorf | North Rhine-Westphalia | 40599 | Contabo GmbH || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Hungary | Budapest | Budapest | 1007 | Stark Industries Solutions LTD || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Hungary | Budapest | Budapest | 1007 | Stark Industries Solutions LTD || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Germany | Düsseldorf | North Rhine-Westphalia | 40599 | Contabo GmbH || [Hidden Content]check_sock Live | | Germany | Düsseldorf | North Rhine-Westphalia | 40599 | Contabo GmbH || [Hidden Content]check_sock
2 others titles Marianne Faithfull In my opinion CDG Creator Pro