Final Step
Final Step is to upload your torrent file to Glotorrents.
New users will have to Apply For Uploader Status!
Follow the link below to Apply Now
Fill the form following the guidelines provided below!
Question 1:
What's your username on GloTorrents?
You must enter the username of your account on the main website.!
Question 2:
Content you want to Upload:
Choose only one, we advice you to chose the category you intend to upload your content to.
Choosing Movies, TV, Anime, Softwares, Games or More than one will likely get your application denied.
If you chose to upload Music during Application, please upload music only since Staff will be checking your uploads from time to time!
Question 3:
Do you have accounts on any torrent site we can crosscheck?
Examples of sites we can cross-check are: 1337x, TPB, ETTV, TGX, ANT
If you Chose Yes then remember to answer the next question.
Question 4:
Please provide a profile link to at least two other torrent sites you upload to.
Egx. of profile links are
Question 5:
Please tell us why your application should be approved.
Explain briefly why we should accept your Application, this can convince us if you fail to answer some of the above questions properly.
You have only once chance to convince Staff you're capable of uploading and intend to upload clean torrents only.
Question 6:
I have read the rules and agree to follow them at all times.
We are pirates but we still need rules to follow to avoid chaos and mess within our torrent community!
Be sure to have read all of our Site and Forum Rules and Regulations, Failure to do so might lead to warnings and a permanent ban for going against our site rules.